I am returned from the Norwegian Arctic, full of a wild enchantment from the Northern Lights and renewed bonds with my ancestral home.
I’m headed to Norway in January, 2025 to observe the Aurora before composing music in their honor for a film about the Northern Lights.
My new record is finished, and mixed (with the help of Chuck Johnson)! News about release forthcoming
I enjoyed answering Proust’s famous questions for the Esalen Institute
Another interview on the Mountain Whispers podcast
A podcast interview on the Voices of Esalen podcast
An interview on the Mountain Whispers podcast
Unlit Trail now available on hi-fi cassette!
Long-form interview for Aquarium Drunkards podcast Transmissions
Thoughtful and strong review of Unlit Trail in WIRE issue #445. “…conjuring chillingly seductive atmospheres that most black metal bands could only wish for… simultaneously majestic and terrifying.”
Unlit Trail is released by Berlin’s Adagio830. Available here in Europe/UK, and here in North American and Everywhere Else. And here digitally.